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Fundraising for Saplings

 In 2017, SWF has successfully raised 15,000 USD from 7 different private enterprises in Uganda. In 2017 July, SWF donated ten thousand saplings to the Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Cooperation (LVRLACC). 


UN Cooperation 

In 2016, SWF reaches a long-term strategic cooperation agreement with the WCS Rwanda (Wildlife Conservation Society in Rwanda). For each tree SWF donated, SWF can obtain finance (10 USD per tree) from the United Nation by WCS Rwanda. 

Ugandan Wildlife Education Center

Start from 2016, SWF is raising the donation to the UWEC (Uganda Wildlife Education Center) by establishing a rescued animal and plant naming club. People who have interests in protecting rescued animal and plant species can donate funds to the UWEC through Save the Wild Fund. The patron will receive a naming right for one plant or one animal in UWEC. SWF will put a donation brick with the patron's name in UWEC and provide live-stream for the patron to communicate with the animal he/she donated all the time.


Wildlife Documentary

Throughout 2017-2018, SWF team decided to shoot a documentary for the current Wildlife situation in Uganda collaborating with our partner organization, Uganda Wildlife Education Centre in Entebbe. The documentary was directed by Cody Zhou and shot by Cody Zhou, Liang Xue, and other major team members. We sincerely hope people who care about the wildlife ecosystem in Uganda, Africa, or the Earth can have direct communication with the "environmental guardians."

You can watch the documentary at the "Homepage", or follow our Youtube account: Savethewild Fund and watch the movie on the following website: SAVE THE WILD! 

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